Claudio Coldebella, new general manager of Openjobmetis Varese Basketball:

“Pallacanestro Varese is an impressive company and I am extremely honoured to have been chosen. It gives me great pleasure to be here. Expectations are high and that is just as it should be in a club that has such a prestigious history. I will try to bring a great deal of good will and dedication, something that I have always done in my career. The first impact with the people and the place has been very positive. However, before talking about objectives, I believe it is right to thank those who were here before me, all those people who in recent years have led Varese to be one of the major companies in Italy and Europe. Gratitude obviously not only goes to them, but also to those who have given me this opportunity. The objectives are those that are fundamental for those who do sport – careful management regarding the corporate side of things that can then express what the potential is in the field of play with an eye on a team that best represents these values. In my career, I have had the good fortune to work in places where you can live basketball. I am a great fan who was lucky enough to turn my passion into a profession. And that is a godsend. The places that have history and passion are ideal to work in because beyond the standard working hours, you can meet fans to exchange ideas about basketball and you can have discussions at the heart of which is basketball. Varese is one of these places. Here you live basketball, basketball is part of the city and its history reminds us of that. Here it was hard to win as an opponent – it was, and still is, a place where supporting is important and is the mainstay for the team”.